About Your Stay
A typical day is structured with half the day spent in personal studies and the other half working around the property. The day is broken up by tea times and meals. On free nights guests can play games or go out.
Studies are self-directed. We have an extensive library and a MP3 database, which we encourage people to take advantage of. Now, while studies are self-directed, each guest will meet with one of the workers once a week to have time discussing their questions more privately and be directed toward some relevant materials. We call this "tutorial."
Four times a week we have "lunch discussions." A lunch discussion is a time where guests gather for a meal around a question. The question is usually posed by a guest and we collectively focus on addressing that question throughout the meal. Questions range from theological questions - How can I know the Bible is trustworthy? - to cultural questions - How do we think about student debt? - to philosophical questions - What is post-truth? - to personal questions - What does it mean to have an experience of a personal God?
Work is basically chores inside the house or outside, around the property. It can be from sweeping and tidying, to cooking, to gardening, to chopping wood.
Some days have exceptions, such as a film night, a public lecture, an in-house talk, and a Monday devotional. Wednesday is a day off, where our guests are able to tour the surrounding area, to coffee shops, local hikes, beaches, or Victoria. Sunday is a partial day off, where guests can attend church with the workers in the morning. That evening there is a special meal with an activity afterwards called "High Tea."
Canadian L'Abri schedule

Food is central to the hospitality we offer. However, we are neither a professional catering organization nor restaurant. Meal preparation is planned and carried out by workers or helpers, and with a limited budget, we are limited. So we prepare simple meals with care and creativity.
We do however recognize that some people have serious food allergies and we try to offer hospitality within the limitations we have. We will endeavour to make meals (or a meal option) that is appropriate for people with medically diagnosed food allergies or intolerances.
If your food requirements are particularly complex or seriously life-threatening (i.e. peanut allergy), this need not bar you to staying at L'Abri but you may need to supplement the meals offered with your own bought food. We have a fridge where food can be stored but guests do not have access to the L'Abri kitchen for their own private meal preparation.
When you apply to come to L'Abri, let us know about any special food requirements you have. This way we can plan ahead and also enter into dialogue with you.

Technology & Devices
At L’Abri we invite you to be part of our homes and lives. As L’Abri workers we try to give thought to the conditions which encourage this kind of community life. One area is the use of media technology.
Although there are many benefits to such technologies, they can also come to dominate our lives, distracting us from what is present and isolating us from the immediate relationships around us. Many come to L’Abri aware of habits that they would like to change.
In light of this, we have decided to place some parameters on the use of media technology at L’Abri with the aim that we can live better with one another. We ask that while you are with us you, set all your devices to airplane mode and keep them out of sight. This will help the community be less distracted and more present to one another. If you need to call or message someone please go outside, onto the front patio. We also have a public computer you can use outside study or work times to get internet access.